joi, 30 aprilie 2009

miercuri, 29 aprilie 2009

o multitudine de....

Zilele trecute ma plimbam prin oras cu doi prieteni. Un o ea, evident :)) Pe Magheru ne plimbam noi trei studenti visatori (sau nu). Magheru e in mare parte bulevardul circului. Daca vrei sa razi sau sa plangi - depinde de cum te lasi afectat de cei din jur - vino la o plimbare pe Magheru. Vei gasi o multitudine de...
Si asa ne plimbam noi linistiti de la facultate...spre scopul de a merge acasa (sau a bea un suc) si mi s-a intrezarit sa intreb: de ce ca strain ai veni sa vizitezi Bucurestiul ?!
De ce?! Pe bune! serios acum! Da-mi un motiv. Cand ai o intreaga lume civilizata la dispozitie, de ce ai veni aici ?!
Nu e retorica. Tragi-comicul situatiei face ca exact in momentul in care prietena mea incerca sa imi ofere o perspectiva mai putin sceptica asupra orasului in care traim si implicit un raspuns la intrebare, sa treaca pe langa noi, venind din directia opusa, un grup de tineri cu tenul mai inchis la culoare, vestimentatie stridenta ieftina si de prost gust. Astfel... concluzia s-a conturat in felul urmator:

Dani: "Hai ma, ca avem o multitudine deee ..."
Eu (si gras aproband subtil si plin de remuscari ulterior) : " CIORI ! "

Dap mon cher! Asta avem :| C-I-O-R-I .

Mai bine nu le pot numi. Un stol de ciori borsite. Si nu! Chiar nu sunt superficiala. Dar chiar m-am saturat sa ma ascund. Astia nu sunt oameni sunt oratanii de neclasificat.

joi, 16 aprilie 2009


am inceput sa lucrez la ceva nou.
implica multe. sper sa si termin si sa am ce arata.
va recomand ceva:

omu' asta merita multe....printre care si o tara nordica ;)
ma intorc la lucru. nu am nimic de zis ce nu poate fi zis cu alta ocazie.

luni, 13 aprilie 2009

[PHOTOWORK] naked noise

am gasit ceva fotografii mai vechi.
mai din toamna trecuta.
una din ele a aparut si intr-o revista:) (free ca doar suntem DIY :)) )
a fost o seara faina...incheiata cu 1h de mers pe jos pana acasa:))
multumiri Ana.

si DA! stiu...imi trebuie un IS dar mai am de strans ceva.

vineri, 10 aprilie 2009

[PHOTOWORK] Tripp: Cluj Napoca. Reason: Bane

Asta a iesit.
Restul e amintire.
Respect oamenilor care au facut 14 ore pana acolo si muie CFR cu intarzierile lor.
Multumim Lady Bumblebee pt gazduire. Ramanem datori.

Galeria Foto completa de la concert o gasiti pe
Aici doar the Good Times

[PHOTOWORK] cateva de aseara: First Division

Aseara (09/04/09) in Fire Club : First Division si Truda.
Cam asta a iesit.

Galeria completa o gasiti pe :
Aici doar cativa prieteni si ce imi place in mod special

[PHOTOWORK] renewal of mindgaps

imi place.
e liniste si intuneric.
e acolo si aici.
am nevoie de asta.

vineri, 3 aprilie 2009


Ma gandeam sa merg in Zagreb.
De ce nu?
Despre Croatia am auzit doar ca e fain la mare. Zagreb nu e chiar la mare, da poate dau o tura si pana acolo. In fond e o experienta.
Poate in iunie dupa Nova Rock. Oricum e concert HB pe 24...deci s-ar lega, Si nu trebuie decat sa travesrsezi o bucatica de Slovenia din Austria de unde ne-am intoarce noi ;))
Mda...visez. Dar asa am visat si cu Cehia Austria Ungaria Italia....and the list goes on, si am ajuns la o singura concluzie: Dreams come true if you wish them enough.

In alta ordine de idei maine e ziua cea mare. 15 ani. Maine e ziua care ramane marcata pe piele pentru restul timpului ramas. Singurul lucru care imi poate sterge amintirea asta e groapa aia la 2 m sub pamant. Care va veni candva si pentru mine.
Intre timp ----------------------------------------------------- BLANK

joi, 2 aprilie 2009

sweetness in a box of sorrow

mi-a picat asta in maini de curand.
mi-a umplut urechile nu m-a intristat. m-a facut doar sa ma gandesc la unele lurcruri.
e fain sa te gandesti

I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here

what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

miercuri, 1 aprilie 2009

daylight stories with gum teeth

As the shadows crawl under your bed you feel hollow from all that morning light surrounding you. Glimpses of joy fade under the 2m high sky of your ordinary flat. You wake up screaming as if you had woken the dead. You try to tell yourself each morning "I am a human being dammit.My life has value!" but you do nothing in order to challenge yourself. Capture the moment and hold it for the rest of your pathetic existence. All in all that's what your life is: A rassemblement of small fractures, all put together under the microscope. A microscope. You put your bones together, swim each morning trough your own pile of shit, trying to get faster to that sacred place where you throw it all out and polish your gum-like teeth afterwards. Got there? Do it and get out. Get out of your can, get out of your own box and step into the ravishingly big box that the world offers you. The box in which you'll find similar, different or familiar people, struggling just like you to swim through shit every day and not drown in it. Saying "don't tripp in your own shit" won't help you anymore, cuz you're into this shit 'till the top of your ears already. You just gently try to remove the stains off your jacket and move on to the next level of the box, the x-box I might add. You are nothing more than a walking shadow, a meer resembling of bones. A scavenger craving for luxurious food when you actually have nothing at all to eat and even a crump of bread would be exquisite. And so you sleep awake trough life...skip from glimpses to glimpses of crumps of joy (not more, not less)....and keep saying to yourself : My life has value! To whom?! for fucks sake?! Tell me one person that isn't stuck in here as deep as you are. Can you?! I rest my case and pleed for the silence of lambs.